Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hallo From Switzerland!

I probably should let you all know I actually got to Switzerland, huh? :]
    I was greeted at the airport by my host family, and my rotary counselors, who gave me a new phone (touch screen, nicer than the one I had haha), and a train ticket that is good for a train to anywhere! :]
    The day I got here I got sick for half the day, so I didn't do much. But I met a bunch of my host brother's friends that night at his farewell party (He is going on an exchange to Arkansas). Most of them go to "the school on the hill" as they call it and I am going to the one "on the lake", so I won't see them often. One girl, who went on an exchange to Canada, is a friend of the family's and is being very helpful. She goes to the school on the hill and she said she would show me around her town. :]
    Yesterday I went grocery shopping with my host mother and sister. Their shopping centers are like a small mall attached to a grocery store. And when you buy fruits or veggies, you put it on a scale, push a number (each item has its own number) and a price tag for what you want prints out for you. It's really cool! Another fun fact about Switzerland: all the light switches are opposite. Down is on, up is off.
    Today we dropped my host brother off at the airport,in Zurich, and I have to crown Switzerland as the king of long goodbyes instead of Minnesota. They actually have an observation deck where you can watch your person's plane take-off. We waved as it went up, along with others. :] After that we went to Schaffhausen, and we had to go through a little bit of Germany (Schaffhausen is like a point into Germany, google map  it :] ). We saw the Rhine Falls, where we took a boat to a rock in the middle of the falls! Next we went to town and stopped at an Italian cafe for lunch (Pizza is so much better here) and climbed a bunch of really steep steps up to a castle! There are vineyards around the castle, which is on the top of a huge hill, so my legs got a workout climbing the stairs. (Pictures of both places to come later!)
    We are back home now, and going for a swim in lake Biel, just down the hill from the house.
Remember I am 7 hours ahead of central time so if your wondering how I could do that much when it's only 9 in the morning that's why :]
    I will try to write again soon! Ciao!


  1. Sounds amazing so far! I have to remember how I subscribed to this so I could post comments and then I can share my information with others that want to post. Love you! Jackie

    1. It is really fun so far :]
      And I have no idea how to do that haha
      Ich liebe dich! -Anne-Marie

  2. for April fools day you have to flip all of the light switches around so its like the U.S. ;) and the poke war continuous even though your in another world :P ttyl

    1. Like I know how to work electricals =P
      Oh I always win >:] ttfn!

    2. you just unscrew the cover and the switch an then flip the whole thing around so its up side down lol
