Monday, December 10, 2012

Schnee und Märkte

Every time I have taken a picture of it snowing here, it has melted the next day. Seriously. So this time I didn't take a picture of it snowing like crazy on and off for around a week and it has stuck around for awhile. :] Everyone says it's a crazy amount of snow, but to me it's a normal winter! haha
Since it's December, it is the season of Advent here, with holidays like St. Nicholas Day (observed by eating lots of chocolate, oranges, and peanuts), and many, many Christmas markets. There is one every weekend in different villages across Switzerland (and all Europe for that matter). I'm pretty sure I have been to at least one every week.
Two weekends ago (12/1-2) I went to two Christmas markets. The first was in Aarberg with my host sister, and the second was in the Altstadt (old city) in Biel. The Aarberg was all in one centralplatz, and Biel's was both in the centralplatz and along side streets. Both were really pretty, and I didn't even buy anything. Both days were also super cold!! But it wasn't until later that week that we got all the snow.
Last Thursday, I had an advent event with my host Rotary club. I really like my club, and I'm not just saying that because I'm trying to be a suck up. haha They are all super nice and easy to talk to (even in German). We went to a church to hear advent songs, and then we went to a Spanish restaurant called Schöngrün for dinner. The dinner lasted until past 11! I was really tired the next day. =P
Last Saturday (12/8), I made chicken wild rice soup for my host family and a friend. I think it turned out pretty good with European ingredients! My mom would be proud I think! haha My host mom wants the recipe now, so I call that a success. :] Then on Sunday (yesterday 12/9), we went Sledding! Only not the sledding you would think of where you go up and down a hill a million times. No we went up on really long curving hill (basically up a snow- covered road), playing in the snow on the way up, and then taking one really long sled down the hill. We had two sleds: my host parents, and my host sister and I. My host sister and I crashed into the snow banks multiple times. haha It was more than likely my fault too. haha That was a lot of fun though.
Today it snowed in the morning, and then got super sunny and warmer, but I hope because there's so much of it the snow won't melt, even if there is a lot of slush now. =P
Ich wünsche dir eine schönen Woche! :] Tschüss!


  1. The concert we went to yesterday had a German song! thought of you, of course :-) . I wish you a nice week, too, tochter! 2 weeks of school left in 2012? With snow, can you still ride your bike? Hugs, Mom

    1. Cool! :] Correct two weeks of school! Have a bunch of tests before that too, glad the marks don't count so I don't have to stress ;]
      No to the bike! Once it started snowing most mornings, I quit the bike and now I walk to the little train that takes me from Ipsach to Biel and then I walk to my school. :]
      Love, Anne-Marie

  2. so how long was this sled ride? sounds like you went down a mountain rather than a hill :P. And what kind of fun stuff did they have at the shops? homemade miniatures and the like? Either way sounds like fun :)


    P.S. Thank you for the birthday gift! I laughed at the irony :)

    1. Swiss hills are basically our Mountains haha You seriously have no conception of a "hill" until you come here and say you live on a hill that's basically a mini-mountain haha
      Ya loots of homemade stuff, kind of like our farmer's market, but when it's cold, and less veggies and more crafts. :] There's also hot wine and other traditional/ hot food to buy. It's mostly fun to look around I think. :]
      Glad you got your gift!! haha I kind of thought it was perfect ;]
      Love, Anne-Marie
